
Island’s illustration system is based on the concept of a Zen garden in a metaphorical sense: A perfect, serene place, where everything is exactly the way it needs to be. Every element in the illustration will
represents this logic. Furthermore, the illustrations make use of empty space, elements of tension and
minimalism, to create an atmosphere of lightness, clarity and serenity. we use the illustrations in our product.
Graphic logic
Every element in the composition is given a round, circular feel. This helps to create a feeling of unity and cohesiveness. Sharp angles are the exception, not the rule.

Realistic depiction

Complete abstraction

The island illustration make use of the three major color groups - green, browns and grays. Orange, purple are used in small amounts and yellow and blue even less.
Green is associated with vegetation, trees, planets, and surfaces representing vegetation

Brown is used to describe stones, earth and surfaces. It could be used to describe wood and branches.

Gray is used to describe objects and materials in the island illustrated world.

The orange color is used as a representation of flowers, autumn trees and other elements outside the office/zen garden world.
Use orange color cautiously, as it's often linked to system warnings, avoiding any distressing message in illustrations.

Line weight
The lines used in the Island illustration system jump in series of 2. The thinnest being 2px and the thickest 20px. Best use case would be a combination of a very thick line with a very thin one. This would create tension and interest.

Illustration examples