Brand Guide

Island logo mark

Our logo is a simple circular symbol that is meant to feel both familiar and unique at the same time. It embodies the core elements of our brand identity: balance, serenity, perfection, and symmetry. It represents the environment where everything is as it should be. It  depicts the horizon, i.e. the dawn of a new day for enterprise work. And it's what we like to call "the view from the island."

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Island icon

Island logo

Usually we will use the symbol with the wordmark. You can use the symbol without the wordmark in places where it is clear that we are in an “island environment”. homepage

Horizontal logo

This is our symbol and wordmark arranged horizontally. It should be your first choice when placing a logo.

Island vertical logo

Vertical logo

This is our symbol and wordmark arranged vertically, and should be used when a vertical layout better fits the layout of the asset.

Clear space

Keep a space of 4x of each side of the logo

Logo usage

Our logo has a white border around it in all situations except for when it's on a cream background (from our brand color palette)