Tone of voice
Our tone of voice serves as a standard for how we convey our brand personality to the world throughour writing. By applying our tone of voice consistently across all communications, our unique identitywill be felt everywhere our audience encounters our brand. And in turn, our audience will instantlyrecognize us through our writing, saying things like “Ya - This sounds like Island.”
Use a short, punchy, bold language when communicating about the big change our product brings to the world.
But not arrogant. Make sure it highlights our positive impact on others, instead of applauding our own achievements.
Where bold happens: Titles and headlines, calls to action, one-liners.
Leave Latency Behind
Secure data minus the subpar experience. With The Enterprise Browser, you replace the expensive, uncomfortable virtual desktop experience with the smooth, snappy browser you know and love -- while upgrading your security posture in the process.
No More VDI. Your Welcome.
We get it. VDI’s sucks.
That’s why we went ahead and got rid of it for you. No more laggy screens. No more budgetsucking servers. No more suffering through Windows Vista on your shiny new M1 Macbook.
Write in clear, approachable, and familiar terms. Treat the reader as an equal, avoiding overly complex terminology.
But not unprofessional. Avoid sounding silly, fluffy, or overly casual. It’s ok to get technical when expanding on features or technologies.
Where eye-level happens: High-level messaging, problem/solution texts, summary texts, Introductions and conclusions.
The browser is what everyone everywhere uses for all things
internet. In our personal lives, it’s perfect - fast, simple, and beautiful. But when we take it to work, it starts to work against us. Enterprises can’t govern user activity, control where sensitive data is going, and keep track of their growing collection of shadow IT. That’s where the Enterprise Browser comes in.
As the primary interface by which the vast majority ofprofessionals utilize for internet-based business activity, theweb browser has a ubiquitous footprint unlike any otherapplication used today. Yet, when placed in the context of the enterprise, it stands at the center of users, corporateapplications, and critical data that security establishmentsstruggle to protect from being leaked, attacked, or exploited. It is on this premise that the idea for an Enterprise Browser was born.
Use contemporary, engaging, vivid language to keep the conversation interesting. Imagery is our friend - show don’t tell. Make every encounter with our brand a captivating journey for our audience.
But not disrespectful. Keep things positive - never put others down or allow ourselves to engage in verbal warfare with competitors. Always honor the intellect of our audience.
Where fresh happens: Everywhere.
Contractors, remote workers, and newly acquiredcompanies just log in and get to work, without puttingyour data at risk. No waiting for corporate devices toarrive, or bothering IT to set you up. It just works.
Island provides improved security in the areas ofremote work, contractors and newly acquiredcompanies, replacing network or point solutions with aholistic one that enables work to go more smoothly.